BREAKING: Republicans decline League of Women Voters debates organization amid revolting reasons

The League of Women Voters (LWV), known for organizing debates and forums ranging from U.S. presidential races to local school boards, is facing resistance from Republican candidates in Kentucky’s largest city this year. Many candidates are either not responding to invitations or have declined, with some expressing concerns about the League’s perceived partisanship, according to LWV Louisville leaders.

Among contested races for various state House and Senate seats, as well as Louisville Metro Council positions, only one Republican—Sara-Elizabeth Cottrell in the 41st House District—has agreed to participate in a candidate forum. She will appear with former Democratic state Representative Mary Lou Marzian on October 7. The League requires both candidates to agree to a forum for it to be scheduled, to ensure balanced participation.

Dee Pregliasco, a former LWV president, mentioned that one candidate accused her of bias due to a personal letter she had written, though it was unrelated to LWV activities. She emphasized the importance of engaging with voters to advocate one’s views on governance and community issues.

Gail Henson, a co-president of the Louisville chapter, noted that some Republicans preferred one-on-one meetings with constituents or cited scheduling conflicts as reasons for not participating. One Republican representative explicitly stated they did not consider the League nonpartisan and declined the invitation.

The LWV, a national nonpartisan organization with roots in the women’s suffrage movement, advocates for transparency and civic engagement. The state chapter recently released a report criticizing the General Assembly’s fast-tracking of bills that limits citizen input, a topic that influenced recent legislative debates. Henson explained that two candidates declined to participate due to the League’s opposition to Amendment 2, a ballot measure that would allow the General Assembly to fund nonpublic schools with tax dollars. She clarified that LWV’s positions align with national guidelines and that the organization does not endorse candidates but may take stances on ballot issues.

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